Love, Joy, Peace...
Effective Ministry for Jesus Christ


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(By Pastor Larry Burkholder)

Ephesians 4:11,12 reads: "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ." 

Let's ask ourselves this question - Are we effectively serving our Lord today?  I ask the question for both personal inquiry as well as corporate response.  If you and I have truly been born again, do we desire to be effective in ministry on both the personal level as well as in our service through the local church's ministry?  Do we naturally do what needs to be done in our ministry with a good attitude?  Who, if they have truly been born again, desires to be known as ''most unsuccessful" or "least trustworthy"?  Usually, customarily, normally students seek to get the best grade.  Usually, customarily, normally, Christian parents seek to rear the best kids for the use of their Savior.  Usually, customarily, normally, Christians desire to stand at the Bema Seat and make their Lord proud and seek for His approval.  This is all true if we're truly born again.

In our present Bible text God reveals to us His leadership team which He has for every church to train people to minister within their local church body.  Each one of us are servants of God in some capacity or another. Each of us has a special calling given us by God. We know this because according to God's Word all have been given abilities to help others, people who perhaps others cannot reach in their personal ministry.  All our talents and abilities are designed to reach certain people groups others cannot. Thus, the significance of the phrase "work of the ministry" and edify (build up) the local church.  This is well noted in Ephesians 4:12.

Getting back to our field of "expertise" which the Holy Ghost has provided us, do we truly aspire to be the best, most effective ministers we could and should be?  We need always to be careful not to give any concern to other aspects of life that cause us to completely neglect and disregard our local church ministry for God holds us accountable.

Give Him our best when ministry opportunities arise.  Let's daily commit ourselves to excellence when performing our ministry in God's will according to God's Word.


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